【System principle 】
The basic principle of the GTCsS mulifunctional portable steel wie rope detector is to use a magnetic field to magneiizethe steel wire rope axialy along the steelwire rope.When the steel wie rope passes through this magnetized magnetic field, once the wire rope is delective, aleakage magnetic field is generaled on the surtace of the steel wire rope, or the magnelic ftux variation inthe magnelc cicuit of the wie ropecan detected. Using the magnetic sensiive element to inspect the distorton ofthe magnetic field can obiain the information aboutthesteel wire ope defect.
Stialy according to the conservation of energy and material informaion - the universal physical law,use the latest original localinstantaneous permanent magnetic to excte detected wire rope (no magnelic effed),stimulate thedetaled steel wire rope damage infomation output to complete the steelwire rope lie prediction and safety assessment, and to achieve a harmonious coal mine safe production environment and constuction of a consevalion - afented sociely(save experses fo theregular change of ropes), which have a double-insurance eftect.
ltcan detect the inside and outside broken wires of steel Wire ropes for elevator,crane, mine, cableway and so on,and defect ftuncions of wear, corosicn, delomation, locse strands,skip steewie, material changes and so on.
【Main technical indexes】
1. Detection speed:0.1~16m/s
2. Uetecton ot rope diameter: D 1mm~①20Umm
3.Quanialvejudgmentaccuracy rate of the number of broken wire:>95%,when no eronecus judgment for the single concentrated broken wires;>99%,when no erroneous judgment for a wire of the single concentraled broken wies >99%,when no eroneousjudgmentfor a broken wie within alay pich.
4.Detection capability of the continuous defect(LMA melal cross-saclional area loss:
Detection accuracy of meta cross-sectional area loss:± 0.05%
Detection uncertainty of metal cross-seclional arealoss:±0.2%
5.Weight of GTC5S sensor:2.5-10.0kg
Atmospheric pressure:86~106mpa Relatve humidiy:≤85%